Hello People, Thanks to all you beautiful people who read my posts, keep reading and be sure to get new twists to your regular dishes. White soup is called Nsala Soup by the Ibos and Afia Efere by the Efiks. It is one of the simplest Naija soups in terms of time taken in preparation and ingredients used. It also doesn't contain palm oil, hence the name. It is basically made with the stock gotten from boiling your animal protein like beef, chicken etc. I got to know about this soup during my Uni days. There was this Restaurant that students usually patronized mostly for their White Soup, theirs was the best then. I remember asking one of the waiters for thé recipe, he was kind enough to give me but I never tried it till recently. Nsala soup is usually made with uziza leaves, but for this recipe, I used scent leaves I forgot to buy at the market (can't watch), but since I had scent leaves at home, I used it, still came out well. ...
Food & Lifestyle